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Type of trigger: Event
Description: This is triggered when an item has been accepted by a character or NPC.
Когда итим был принят чаром или NPC.
Type of trigger: Event or Item
Description: This is triggered by a single click on the character or item, or a request from the client to display that object's name.
Когда игрок кликает один раз на итиме, или при запросе показа имени от клиента.
Type of trigger: Region
Description: This is triggered periodically, every so often after the character enters a region.
Вызывается периодически, после того как чар входит в зону.
Type of trigger: Event or Item
Description: This is triggered upon creation of the object it is attached to. No advanced scripting can be done in this trigger as of 55i. Setting variables on the object it is attached to is all that is possible.
При создании объекта (что то приложено). ???
Type of trigger: Item
Description: This is triggered when a weapon type item does damage to somebody, or when armor or clothing types recieve damage.
Когда итим типа оружие наносит повреждение кому-то, или когда броня (и броне подобные итимы) повреждаются(ют) ???
Type of trigger: Event and Item
Description: This is triggered when the object is double clicked.
Когда игрок два раза кликнет на итиме.
Type of trigger: Event
Description: This is triggered when the character it is attached to dies.
Когда чар, которому принадлежит этот предмет умирает.
Type of trigger: Item
Description: This is triggered when the item it's attached to runs out of hitpoints and is removed.
Когда итим к которому это прикреплено исчерпывает хитпоинты и удаляется ???
Type of trigger: Item
Description: This is triggered when the item it's attached to is dropped on a character. Not active as of 55i.
Когда итим передан другому чару. Не активно после 55i
Type of trigger: Item
Description: This is triggered when the item it's attached to is dropped on the ground. Not active as of 55i.
Когда итим брошен на землю.
Type of trigger: Item
Description: This is triggered when the item it's attached to is dropped on another item. Not active as of 55i.
Когда итим брошен на другой итим.
Type of trigger: Region
Description: This is triggered when a character enters the region it is attached to, or logs into that region.
Когда чар входит в зону или логитися в зоне. ???
Type of trigger: Event
Description: This is triggered when the character's environment changes in some way. It can be set off by changes in light, rain, and snow conditions.
Когда среда изменяется, каким либо образом, то есть какое ни будь событие, типа дождя или снега.
Type of trigger: Item
Description: This is triggered when a character attempts to equip an item.
Когда чар экипируется этим итимом.
Type of trigger: Region
Description: This is triggered when a character exits the region it is attached to, or logs out of that region.
Когда чар выходит из зоны, или логаут из зоны.
Type of trigger: Event, NPC only
Description: This is triggered when the character it's attached to gets low on hitpoints.
Когда чар понижает количество хитпоинтов. (или когда монстр пугается ???)
Type of trigger: Event, NPC only?
Description: This is triggered when the character it's attached to swings its weapon during a fight.
Когда чар (колеблет оружие???) во время битвы.
Type of trigger: Item, bows only
Description: This is triggered when the bow it is attached to fires an arrow or bolt.
Когда лук (в огне???) стрелы и арбалетные стрелы.
Type of trigger: Event
Description: This is triggered when the character it's attached to is hit, by a weapon or magic.
Когда чар поражён оружием или магией.
Type of trigger: Event
Description: This is triggered when the character hits another in battle. Refer to the character that was hit with SRC.TARG.
Когда чар поражает другого чара в битве. Обращение к чару который был поражён SRC.TARG.
Type of trigger: Event
Description: This is triggered when the character tried to hit another in battle, and missed.
Когда чар попытался поразить другого чара в битве, но промахнулся.
Type of trigger: Event
Description: This is triggered when the character tries to hit another character, before the server determines if the character hits.
Когда чар пытается поразить другого чара, ещё до того как сервер определил было ли попадание или промах.
Type of trigger: Event
Description: This is triggered when the character single clicks an item. Refer to the item with SRC.ACT.
Когда чар один раз кликнет на итиме. Обращение SRC.ACT.
Type of trigger: Event
Description: This is triggered when the character damages an item. Refer to the item with SRC.ACT.
Когда чар повреждает итим. SRC.ACT.
Type of trigger: Event
Description: This is triggered when the character double clicks an item. Refer to the item with SRC.ACT.
Когда чар два раза кликнет на итиме. SRC.ACT.
Type of trigger: Event
Description: This is triggered when the character drops an item on the ground. Refer to the item with SRC.ACT. Not active as of 55i?
Когда чар бросает итим на землю. Обращение SRC.ACT. Не активен после 55i???
Type of trigger: Event
Description: This is triggered when the character equips an item. Refer to the item with SRC.ACT.
Когда чар экипирует итимом.
Type of trigger: Event
Description: This is triggered when the character picks an item up off the ground. Not active as of 55i.
Когда чар подбирает итим с земли.
Type of trigger: Event
Description: This is triggered when the character picks an item out of its pack. Not active as of 55i.
Когда чар берёт итим из сумки.
Type of trigger: Event, player only
Description: This is triggered when the player casts a spell on an item.
Когда игрок кастует спелл на итим
Type of trigger: Event
Description: This is triggered when the character unequips an item. Refer to the item with SRC.ACT.
Когда чар разэкипировывается итимом.
Type of trigger: Event, player only
Description: This is triggered when a target cursor brought up by an item is targetted on a character.
Когда целе-указательный курсор вызванный итимом берёт на мушку чара.
Type of trigger: Event, player only
Description: This is triggered when a targetting cursor brought up by this item is targetted on the ground. Use TARGP to get the coordinates of where the player clicked. Use the TARGETG command to bring up a target that can be clicked on the ground.
Когда прицеливание на землю. Используйте ключевое слово TARGP чтобы получить координаты, где кликал игрок. Используйте команду TARGETG чтобы поднять цель, которую можно кликнуть на земле???
Type of trigger: Event, player only
Description: This is triggered when a target cursor brought up by an item is targetted on another item.
Когда целе-указательный курсор вызванный итимом, берёт на мушку другой итим.
Type of trigger: Event, player only
Description: This is triggered when the character it is attached to brings up the tooltip for an item.
Когда чар поднимает tooltip итим ???
Type of trigger: Event, player only
Description: This is triggered when the character logs into the game.
Когда чар логинится с сервером.
Type of trigger: Event, player only
Description: This is triggered when the character logs out of the game.
Когда чар логаут с сервером.
Type of trigger: Event, NPC only
Description: This is triggered when the NPC has been given an item and accepted it, according to its NEEDS and DESIRES. Not active as of 55i.
Когда NPC дали этот итим и он принят согласно его потребностям и желаниям.
Type of trigger: Event, NPC only
Description: This is triggered the first time an NPC hears a greeting from a player. Not active as of 55i.
Когда NPC слышит первое приветствие от игрока.
Type of trigger: Event, NPC only
Description: This is triggered when the NPC hears the name of something it needs mentioned. Not active as of 55i.
Когда NPC слышит имя которое (требуется упомянуть)
Type of trigger: Event, NPC only
Description: This is triggered when the NPC hears something it doesn't understand. Not active as of 55i.
Когда NPC чего-то не понимает.
Type of trigger: Event, NPC only
Description: This is triggered when the NPC has been offered an item, but refused it, because it didn't fit the NPC's NEEDS or DESIRES.
Когда NPC предложили итим а он его отверг, согласно своим желаниям и потребностям.
Type of trigger: Event, NPC only
Description: This is triggered when the NPC sees somebody new. After 20 minutes of not seeing a player, the NPC forgets him/her.
Когда NPC видит кого-то нового. После 20 минут, которые NPC не видит игрога, он его забывает.
Type of trigger: Event, NPC only
Description: This is triggered when an NPC sees an item it wants. Not active as of 55i.
Когда NPC видит итим.
Type of trigger: Event
Description: This is triggered when a player steps on the character this event is attached to.
Когда игрок (шаги на чаре???)
Type of trigger: Item
Description: This is triggered when the item is picked up off the ground.
Когда итим поднимается с земли.
Type of trigger: Item
Description: This is triggered when the item is picked up out of a backpack.
Когда итим поднимается из рюкзака.
Type of trigger: Event
Description: This is triggered when a character's profile is brought up.
Когда открывается профайл(картинка с мордой) игрока.
Type of trigger: Event
Description: This is triggered when a character is handed an item. For NPCs, this is triggered before checking if they want it.
Когда чар берет итим. Для NPC это происходит до того как сервер проверит хочет он взят этот итим.
Type of trigger: Event, NPC only
Description: This is triggered when an NPC gives back an item it has been handed.
Кода NPC отдаёт обратно итим который был ему дан.
Type of trigger: Region
Description: This is triggered periodically, according to a hardcoded time frame.
Периодически, согласно hardcoded time frame.
Type of trigger: Event
Description: This is triggered when the player fails a skill. ARGN holds the skill number.
Когда игрок теряет скилл. ARGN запоминает номер скилла.
Type of trigger: Event
Description: This is triggered when the player selects a skill to use from the skill list. ARGN holds the skill number. Not active as of 55i.
Когда игрок выбирает скилл для использования из склилл менюшки.
Type of trigger: Event
Description: This is triggered when the player succeeds in using a skill. ARGN holds the skill number.
Когда игрок успешно использует скилл.
Type of trigger: Event
Description: This is triggered when the player tries to use a skilly, before the server has determined whether the character has succeeded or failed.
Когда игрок использует скилл прежде чем сервер определяет успешно он это сделал или нет.
Type of trigger: Event
Description: This is triggered when the character it's attached to attempts to cast a spell. ARGN holds the spell number.
Когда чар кастует спелл.
Type of trigger: Event or Item
Description: This is triggered when a spell is succesfully cast upon the object, but before the effects of the spell take place. ARGN holds the spell number.
Когда спелл удачно кастуется на объект, но эффект ещё не наступил.
Type of trigger: Item, stackables only
Description: This is triggered when an item is stacked on the item it is attached to. Not active as of 55i.
Когда итим пытается итим ????
Type of trigger: Item or Region
Description: This is triggered when a character steps on the item it is attached to, or with a region, every time the character takes a step in that region.
Когда чар наступает на итим, или регион, каждый раз когда чар делает шаги в этом регионе.
Type of trigger: Item
Description: This is triggered when a targetting cursor brought up by this item is targetted on a character.
Когда целеуказаль курсор вызванный этим итимом, прицеливает на чара.
Type of trigger: Item
Description: This is triggered when a targetting cursor brought up by this item is targetted on the ground. Use TARGP to get the coordinates of where the player clicked. Use the TARGETG command to bring up a target that can be clicked on the ground.
Когда целеуказатель курсор, вызванный этим итим, прицеливается на землю.
Type of trigger: Item
Description: This is triggered when a targetting cursor brought up by this item is targetted on an item.
Когда целеуказатель вызваный этим итимом, прицеливается на итим.
Type of trigger: Item
Description: This is triggered when the item's timer hits 0.
Когда таймер итима покажет 0.
Type of trigger: Item
Description: This is triggered when a tooltip is brought up on this item.
Когда целеуказатель tooltip up, этим итимом ???
Type of trigger: Item
Description: This is trigger
Это тиггер ???
Категория: Ultima Online Статьи | Добавил: UltimaOnline (2006-05-31)
Просмотров: 1540 | Комментарии: 5 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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